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AdeNation® is a super hydration drink mix that allows your athletes to perform at their highest level. AdeNation® can also be branded to fit your team mascot, for example, you can name your drink EagleAde®, BulldogAde®, VikingAde®, LionAde®, TigerAde® or any other mascot.


Take ownership of your own brand to show your City and/or State Pride, and supporting your School Mascot for events and fundraisers.



Name your drink

We created AdeNation®  because of the importance that both Hydration & Mascots play in Athletics & Sports. Our formula brings together nutrition and hydration while allowing you to represent who you are and what you identify with. 

If you are interested in Mascot Branding, please email

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Copyright @AdeNation™  2018

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